Heretic (60 Secs No Choir) by Music Candy

Music Candy
By: Music Candy
Catalog ID: 619879   Edit Type: 60sec   Duration: 1:00
Tempo: Med Slow   BPM: 90   Vocal: Instrumental

Genre: Dramatic Music | Regal Orchestral

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A disturbing orchestral track with choir. Has an 'Omen' feel to it. Supernatural evil and horror. Devils and demons surround and terrify. Battlecries, by Dan Cullen/Deryn Cullen.   Keywords: Orchestral Classical Film Epic Film Suspense Energetic Mesmerizing Serious Dramatic Ominous Huge Entrancing Determined Blockbuster Adventure Fear, superstition, ghosts eerie, overwhelming anxiety panic holding breath

Price: USD $53.95±
Varies based on media, term, territory, etc.
Buyout Price: USD $107.90
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HERETIC - (by Music Candy)  Year: 2013
Music Candy A disturbing orchestral track with choir. Has an 'Omen' feel to it. Supernatural evil and horror. Devils and demons surround and terrify. Battlecries, by Dan Cullen/Deryn Cullen. Instrumental, Dramatic, Regal Orchestral
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Full Track - Dramatic, Regal Orchestral  
619876 1:50 Med Slow 90   
Edit Type: Variation (No Choir) - Dramatic, Regal Orchestral  
619877 2:01 Med Slow 90   
Edit Type: 60sec A (60 secs) - Dramatic, Regal Orchestral  
619878 1:00 Med Slow 90   
Edit Type: 60sec B (60 secs No Choir) - Dramatic, Regal Orchestral  
619879 1:00 Med Slow 90   
Edit Type: 30sec A (30 secs) - Dramatic, Regal Orchestral  
619880 0:30 Med Slow 90   
Edit Type: 30sec B (30 secs No Choir) - Dramatic, Regal Orchestral  
619881 0:30 Med Slow 90   

Description: Heretic 60 Secs No Choir, Dramatic Music, Regal Orchestral, websites music, royalty-free song and tv music

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Heretic 60 Secs No Choir

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Heretic 60 Secs No Choir