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BLACK STAR FOR MY SUN FULL - (by Roeland Ruijsch)  Year: 2019
Roeland Ruijsch Driving, Hip Hop Atmospheric pop track, with a beautiful piano melody that will draw you into heaven. Emotional driven, medium tempo, sultry track with a compelling melody, that will bring that sensitive feeling in your company's advertisement or promo. heartwarming and building, Instrumental, Hip Hop, Dramatic Hip Hop
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Full Track - Hip Hop, Dramatic Hip Hop
943345 1:56 Med Slow 85   
Edit Type: 30sec - Hip Hop, Dramatic Hip Hop
943344 0:36 Med Slow 85   
Edit Type: Stinger - Hip Hop, Dramatic Hip Hop
943346 0:12 Med Slow 85   

Track Summary
Music Track Title: Black Star for My Sun Full
Catalog ID: 943345  ISRC: US5UL1906241
Description: Driving, Hip Hop Atmospheric pop track, with a beautiful piano melody that will draw you into heaven. Emotional driven, medium tempo, sultry track with a compelling melody, that will bring that sensitive feeling in your company's advertisement or promo. heartwarming and building

Social Media Link: https://www.audiosparx.com/sa/archive/Hip-Hop/Dramatic-Hip-Hop/Black-Star-for-My-Sun-Full/943345

Artist or Group: Roeland Ruijsch

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Black Star for My Sun Full

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Black Star for My Sun Full