Microwave Oven Switched On Run Switch Off 1 by Blazznet Productions

Blazznet Productions
By: Blazznet Productions
Catalog ID: 398078   Edit Type: Full Track   Duration: 0:08

Genre: Household and garden sounds (kitchen, bathroom, door, clock sounds, etc.) | Appliance sound effects

Social Media Link: https://www.audiosparx.com/sa/archive/Household/Appliances/Microwave-Oven-Switched-On-Run-Switch-Off-1/398078
Someone is cooking! Microwave oven switched on, running with clear hum and then it is swicthed off delivering piping hot food... Short run, quick heating. Household, kitchen and restaurant SFX.   Keywords: Appliance Kitchen Restaurant Bar Cafe Cook Food Preparation Household Home Stating Ending Micro-Wave Micro Wave Cooker Hot Range Stove Diner Cousine Meal Hot Microwaving, Radiation, Heating up my dinner, Warming up your food, Microwaved, Woman Cooks, Cafe, Fast-food, Fast Food, Snack, Man Snacking, Lunch Break, TV Dinner, Fastfood, Device, Gadget, Machine, Heat, Hot, Cookery, Turn on, Off, Start, Starts, Starting, Working, Operating, Operates, Appliances, Electronic, Ending, Piping Hot, Preparing a quick meal

Price: USD $2.35
Flat-fee price for use in all media, in perpetuity, throughout the world and Universe
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Blazznet Productions Someone is cooking! Microwave oven switched on, running with clear hum and then it is swicthed off delivering piping hot food... Short run, quick heating. Household, kitchen and restaurant SFX. Household,
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Full Track (short run) - Household,
398078 0:08   
Edit Type: Full Track A (oven switch 2) - Multimedia, Click sounds
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Edit Type: Full Track B (oven switch 1) - Science Fiction, Spaceship Miscellaneous
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Edit Type: Full Track C (longer run) - Kitchen, Appliances
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Microwave Oven Switched On Run Switch Off 1

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Microwave Oven Switched On Run Switch Off 1