Deep Bass Wave by Ian Hubball

Ian Hubball
By: Ian Hubball
Catalog ID: 511955   Edit Type: Full Track   Duration: 0:08

Genre: Multimedia, Video and Flash Effects and Production Elements (beeps, bleeps, zips, etc.) | Bass sound effects

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Low frequency deep wave transition.   Keywords: Sub Frequency Throbbing Drone Wave Stinger Ominous Foreboding Menacing Low Slow bass transition anxious dark disturbing dramatic eerie evil haunting suspense tension terror pulse

Price: USD $1.95
Flat-fee price for use in all media, in perpetuity, throughout the world and Universe
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DEEP BASS WAVE - (by Ian Hubball)
Ian Hubball Low frequency deep wave transition. Multimedia, Bass sound effects
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Full Track - Multimedia, Bass sound effects
511955 0:08   
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580879 0:13   

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Deep Bass Wave

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Deep Bass Wave