David Beard (Sound Effect Tracks)

Country: UK

David Beard of the UK was born into a musical family with his father and grandfather performing as musicians in bands and orchestras and as singers at Derby Cathedral. From an early age, influences of various music styles from Electronic Synth, Dramatic, World and Classical shaped his future and career. After teaching and lecturing in music composition and music technology, David now specializes in creating music and sound design for the Film and Television industry, expertly finessing genres from Children's Music to Horror!

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BEES AND BIRDS - (by David Beard)
David Beard Hypnotizing, buzzing noise of a swarm of wild Bees, flying around their nest surrounded by bird song on a hot summer's day. Great Nature Wildlife sound effect to bring life, flavour and realism to any dramatic scene, theatre, film, animation, documentary, podcast or video game. Insects, Bees
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Full Track - Insects, Bees
1021620 5:02   

BOATING LAKE - (by David Beard)
David Beard Children and adults playing, shouting & screaming in a Boating Lake in the middle of a Waterpark. Water splashing, paddle boats going past as they're paddled furiously, kids in the paddling pool during the hot months of summer. Seagulls can be heard in the distance for theatre, animation and film, Ambience,
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Full Track - Ambience,
1036687 2:18   

BUSY CAFE BAR - (by David Beard)
David Beard Ambient sound of a Busy Cafe Bar with public chatting, moving chairs and tables, waiter preparing drinks, tapping glasses on the counter etc. A typical Cafe Bar Restaurant found in any busy Shopping Mall, Food Court or Auditorium for promotional video, presentations, advertising, special events etc. Crowds, Bar Crowds
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Full Track - Crowds, Bar Crowds
980501 2:54   

CARS PASSING 1 - (by David Beard)
David Beard The authentic ambient street sound of a few Cars Passing each other slowly and a few other 'Street Ambience' sounds at a quaint town late at night. Great background sound effect to bring life, flavour and realism to any dramatic scene for theatre, animation, film, podcast, tourism or video games. Cars Generic,
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Variation (Main Version) - Cars Generic,
980083 0:36   

CARTOON SNORING - (by David Beard)
David Beard Cute, amusing, soothing sound of an animated Cartoon Snoring character tucked up in its bed or nest, a mouse, chipmunk, kitten, rabbit, bird, baby bear, puppy, cute baby etc. or any other funny, comfortable, deep sleeping cartoon animation character. A 'young small one' snoring with yawning. Cartoon,
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Loop - Cartoon,
1036651 0:36   

CLOCKWORK LOOP 1 - (by David Beard)
David Beard Close-up, intricate, delicate sounds of mechanical Clockwork movements. Each tick different to the rest as weights, balance and friction change over each passing second. For theatre, antique shop, animation, film, sci-fi, comedy vintage time machine, animated time bomb ticking, contemporary dance. Household,
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Loop - Household,
963266 1:00   

CROWS 1 - (by David Beard)
David Beard The authentic sound recording taken in dense, dark, spooky woodland, full of cawing Crows, Rooks and a few other birds. The wind blowing lightly in the trees, leaves rustling around on the forest floor. Amongst the birdsong a distant dog can also be heard. Suited for projects needing nature sounds. Birds, Crows
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Full Track - Birds, Crows
944508 1:43   

CROWS 2 - (by David Beard)
David Beard The authentic sound recording taken in dense, dark, spooky woodland, full of cawing Crows, Rooks and a few other birds. The wind blowing lightly in the trees, leaves rustling around on the forest floor.. Suited for projects needing nature sounds. Birds, Crows
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Full Track - Birds, Crows
945615 2:19   

DEEP BREATHING - LOOP 1 - (by David Beard)
David Beard Authentic sound of slow, Deep Heavy Breathing by a man in a relaxed condition or in a state of deep sleep, moments of passion, wearing of a face mask or breathing apparatus like a device worn by rescue workers, firefighters etc for horror, pharmaceutical projects and health and safety videos, etc. Humans, Breathing
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Variation - Humans, Breathing
958880 0:58   

DEEP BREATHING - LOOP 3 - (by David Beard)
David Beard Authentic sound of slow, Deep Heavy Breathing by a man in a relaxed condition or in a state of deep sleep, moments of passion, wearing of a face mask or breathing apparatus like a device worn by rescue workers, firefighters etc for horror, pharmaceutical projects and health and safety videos, etc. Humans, Breathing
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Variation - Humans, Breathing
958881 0:58   

DUCKS ON WATER 1 - (by David Beard)
David Beard Ducks on Water in a tranquil pond early in the morning. Squabbling over food, a few other birds and the shaking off water as they get in and out of the pond can also be heard. Great Water Bird sound effect to bring life, flavour and realism to theatre, film, animation, podcast, documentary game. Birds, Ducks
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Full Track - Birds, Ducks
970726 1:32   

David Beard Fast Food Restaurant busy with food orders, beeping of kitchen ovens as burgers and fries are cooked, the murmur and conversations of a large crowd of people waiting for their food and the shouting of order numbers as the food is ready to be collected for promotional videos, presentations, advert, Crowds, Bar Crowds
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Full Track - Crowds, Bar Crowds
979994 2:19   

FAST TRAIN PASSING 1 - (by David Beard)
David Beard High Speed Train passing by at speed with the 'Train Horn' sounding at the last moment. Great sound effect to bring life, flavour and vigour to dramatic scenes in film, animation, theatre, podcast, health and safety videos or video games. Transportation,
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Full Track (Right to Left) - Transportation,
956578 0:28   
Edit Type: Variation (Left to Pight) - Transportation,
956579 0:28   

FIREWORKS DISPLAY 2 - (by David Beard)
David Beard The authentic ambient sound of an epic Fireworks Display show professionally organised for a large crowd of people. The booms and crackles echoing wide across the valley with very little audience noise. Banging, whistling, crackling, explosions, spitting, whizzing as the air is filled with colour. Amusement, Fireworks
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Full Track - Amusement, Fireworks
971086 4:47   

HARBOUR AMBIENCE - (by David Beard)
David Beard Gentle, relaxing, ambient background recording of Harbour Ambience at a Seaside Town’s quiet Port. Boats pass by, making ripples on the quay side, the breeze moves the mast ropes, Children & people talking, other boats on the water & the call of distant Seagulls can also be heard in the background. Ambience,
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Full Track - Ambience,
944701 0:55   

David Beard Helicopter flying overhead. The low-frequency rumble of the rotor blades is great for video game developers or film sound effects. Great effect to bring life, flavour and realism to any drama scene in Games, theatre, film, podcast, animation and Health & Safety Videos, Rescue, Military projects etc. Aircraft,
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Variation - Aircraft,
988786 0:32   

David Beard Helicopter flying overhead. The low-frequency rumble of the rotor blades is great for video game developers or film sound effects. Great effect to bring life, flavour and realism to any drama scene in Games, theatre, film, podcast, animation and Health & Safety Videos, Rescue, Military projects etc. Aircraft,
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Variation - Aircraft,
988787 0:32   

HOVERCRAFT ARRIVING 1 - (by David Beard)
David Beard Hovercraft arriving with commuting passengers from one coastline to another. After arrival, engines are switched off coming to a complete standstill and silence. Great association sound to bring life, flavour and realism to a seaside dramatic scene for theatre, film, animation, nature, holidays etc. Watercraft, Air boats
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Full Track - Watercraft, Air boats
955064 2:59   

David Beard Hovercraft departing with commuting passengers from its landing pad on to a calm ocean, transporting commuting passengers from one coastline to another a short distance away. After the engines are started it's not long before the sound of hovercraft fades away in the distance. Watercraft, Air boats
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Full Track - Watercraft, Air boats
955795 2:40   

David Beard The constant dull tremor of trains passing at all hours. Emulating the interior sound of a room next to the train lines, trains travelling from one side to the other. Great railway sound effect to bring life, flavour, realism and vigour to dramatic interior scenes in film, animation, theatre, etc. Transportation,
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Variation - Transportation,
963889 0:14   
Edit Type: Variation (Right to Left) - Transportation,
963890 0:14   

LORDS PRAYER - (by David Beard)
David Beard Congregation reciting The Lord's Prayer. Our Father, who art in heaven... Uplifting and inspirational words adding light and positivity to the occasion for impressive religous projects and videos for patriotic projects, drone footage, video production, history and documentaries, Royalty, Church etc, Talking, Sermons
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Full Track - Talking, Sermons
946439 0:34   
Edit Type: Full Track - Talking, Sermons
946440 0:33   

OCEAN WAVES 13 - (by David Beard)
David Beard Choppy sea of Ocean Waves crashing on the sandy beach of a deserted, secluded beach. Great Looped sound effect to bring life, vigour and realism to any dramatic scene, natural history or nature project, film, animation, theatre, podcast, travel presentations, video games, relaxing meditation. Water, Waves
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Loop - Water, Waves
947166 1:18   

OCEAN WAVES 15 - (by David Beard)
David Beard Dramatic Ocean Waves during the high tides of the Spring months crashing on to sand, stones, pebbles and rocks of a seaside coastline. Great, refreshing, thrilling wide stereo sound effect to bring life, vigour and realism to any dramatic scene, natural history or nature project, film, animation etc, Water, Ocean
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Full Track (Loop) - Water, Ocean
955867 0:51   

OWL - (by David Beard)
David Beard The eerie, sound recording of a Tawny Owl, calling out in the dead of night breaking the silence of the countryside. Great woodland, forest, church yard or countryside sound effect to bring life, flavour and realism to any dramatic scene in theatre, film, animation, documentary or video games. Birds, Owls
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Variation - Birds, Owls
993792 0:07   
Edit Type: Variation A - Birds, Owls
993793 0:06   
Edit Type: Variation B - Birds, Owls
993794 0:02   
Edit Type: Variation C - Birds, Owls
993795 0:02   

ROUGH SEA - (by David Beard)
David Beard Dramatic Ocean Waves during the high tides of the Spring months crashing on to sand, stones, pebbles and rocks of a seaside coastline. Great, refreshing, thrilling wide stereo sound effect to bring life, vigour and realism to any dramatic scene, natural history or nature project, film, animation etc, Water, Ocean
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Full Track - Water, Ocean
956634 1:44   

SEASIDE AMBIENCE - (by David Beard)
David Beard Happy, noisy children playing on the beach, shouting, laughing, screaming, building sand castles, paddling, the adults chatting in the background on a crowded beach during the hot summer months. Seagulls calling can be heard in the distance over the crash of gentle waves on the shore. Ambience,
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Full Track - Ambience,
1031794 3:18   

SLEEPING DRAGON - (by David Beard)
David Beard The booming, low pitched, subsonic sound of an animated Sleeping Dragon as it sleeps peacfully on it's bed of gold and treasure, the guttural rhythmic breathing echoing around it's den. Also useful for the breath of a sleeping giant, troll, ogre, monster, creature, beast, dinosaur etc. Horror & Halloween, Beasts
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Full Track (Loop) - Horror & Halloween, Beasts
1033915 3:07   

SNORING - (by David Beard)
David Beard The authentic sound of a man Snoring his head off during a very deep sleep, making a lot of noise. Looped! Great sound effect to bring life, flavour and realism to any dramatic scene for theatre, animation, cartoons, film, games, podcast or pharmaceutical projects. Humans,
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Loop - Humans,
1035753 3:55   

STREAM 1 - (by David Beard)
David Beard The fresh, cool, relaxing 'Looped' sound of gentle, crystal clear water flowing in a Stream in beautiful, tranquil countryside bringing life, flavour and realism to any dramatic scene for a nature project, film, animation, theatre, podcast, video game or background sound for a relaxing meditation. Water, Brooks Creeks Streams
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Full Track - Water, Brooks Creeks Streams
946844 0:41   

STREAM 2 - (by David Beard)
David Beard The fresh, cool, relaxing 'Looped' sound of gentle, crystal clear water flowing in a Stream in beautiful, tranquil countryside bringing life, flavour and realism to any dramatic scene for a nature project, film, animation, theatre, podcast, video game or background sound for a relaxing meditation. Water, Brooks Creeks Streams
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Loop - Water, Brooks Creeks Streams
947490 0:30   

STREET AMBIENCE 4 - (by David Beard)
David Beard The Street Ambience sound of the constant murmuring of happy shoppers, footsteps and shuffling feet in a pedestrian shopping area in a little town. Looped to give a continuous, seamless sound of any length. For life, flavour and realism to any dramatic scene for theatre, animation, film, podcast. Crowds, Sidewalk Crowds
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Loop - Crowds, Sidewalk Crowds
947659 1:04   

David Beard Theatre Murmuring by a large crowd of people in a grand theatre setting with the sounds of an Orchestra Warm Up in the background before the live show commences, excited, chatting, talking and waiting for the performance to begin on stage for promotional videos, presentations, advertising, events, Crowds, Theater Crowds
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Full Track - Crowds, Theater Crowds
980325 5:57   

THUMPING ILLUSION - (by David Beard)
David Beard Strange, disturbing, futuristic, eerie soundscape, influenced by psychedelic experiences, hallucinations, illusions, etc. Pulsating and dreamy has many uses from Space Age, Psychological Thriller to Horror for sci-fi projects involving: aliens, spaceships, strange planets, space travel, UFO etc. Electronic,
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Full Track - Electronic,
948188 1:21   

TORTURE - (by David Beard)
David Beard Sound of Torture, scraping, metallic, tightening, painful, creepy, intrusive sound bites of pain for game designers, film producers and video games involving Medieval Torture Chambers, Crypts, Secret Cellars, Castles, Monsters, Zombies or Vampires etc Strange, disturbing and eerie. Horror & Halloween,
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Full Track - Horror & Halloween,
955493 0:07   
Edit Type: Variation A - Horror & Halloween,
955494 0:08   
Edit Type: Variation B - Horror & Halloween,
955495 0:07   
Edit Type: Variation C - Horror & Halloween,
955496 0:08   
Edit Type: Variation D - Horror & Halloween,
955497 0:09   
Edit Type: Variation E - Horror & Halloween,
955498 0:07   

TRAIN A - (by David Beard)
David Beard The authentic sound recording of a fast, high speed 'Train' as it passes by at speed through a rural 'non-stop' station. Single High Speed Train passing by 'Right to Left'. Great sound effect to bring life, flavour, vigour and realism to dramatic scenes in film, animation, theatre, podcast or video, Transportation,
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Variation (Right to Left) - Transportation,
1034504 0:11   
Edit Type: Variation (Left to Right) - Transportation,
1034505 0:11   

VILLAGE STREET - (by David Beard)
David Beard Ambient street sound of a typical rural Village Street early in the morning with the caws of rooks and crows in a near by tree, followed by passing traffic, people chatting in the distance with the constant chirping of other birds Great background to bring life, flavour and realism to any village. Ambience,
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Full Track - Ambience,
980849 2:30   

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