Zamza is a Russian-American music project incorporating the American singer Frankie Coppola, the Russian producer and composer Max K., and the Russian guitarist Serge Tarakhteyev. With their feiry guitars and hot, smokey vocals by Frankie, these Russian rockers provide a dynamic new sound in Pop, Rock and Funk -- all great for TV and Film where youthful angst may rule the day. Their contemporary lyrics are so fresh they seem ripped from the headlines of today's male and female relatioships. With two albums behind them, Zamza is a band to watch as they climb the charts.
A song about moving forward.... doing something... ANYTHING different. At some point in their lives, everyone feels the need to move... for whatever reason. Most of the time something good comes from the change. Male Vocals, Rock, Funk Rock
A song about life, death, and what happens to us all in the big picture. There are many different ideas and theories regarding what it is all about, but no one knows anything for sure. Maybe there is a God... maybe we are our own Gods? Male Vocals, Pop, Alt Pop
A song about finding the one thing in life that makes you feel great despite everything else that may be going on. A reminiscence of discovering this thing at a younger, more free time in your life. Male Vocals, Pop, Pop Music
A song about knowing when to let go of certain dreams and desires so that the rest of your life can improve. Moving on and growing up is hard, but most times it is essential to be happy. Male Vocals, Rock, 70s RockCaution: Mature Lyrics
A song about lust and sex... period. The overwhelming, chest filling desire to be with many women, of all different types, and not feeling shame or remorse about it. Male Vocals, Pop, Pop MusicCaution: Mature Lyrics
This song is about searching for better life, changing and moving, wishing to fly away like a bird, leave all the worries and troubles behind. Female Vocals, Rock, Pop Rock
This song is about the lack of feelings and tenderness in our material life. We often misuse each other forgetting about simple things which make us happy. Female Vocals, Rock, Pop Rock
This song is about fading love, soul-searching and reappraisal of former relations. Feelings once seemed so true and bright fade away in the course of time and end with disillusion. Life is too short and there is no point in holding on past. Female Vocals, Rock, 70s Rock
This song is about the breaking point in the relations between a man and a woman. There is a high time to take decision and say definitely yes or not. Female Vocals, Alternative, Indie Rock
To be successful in our life we shouldn’t hold back, but move forward, face life challenges directly without fear and doubt, take our chance in life. Lively pop/rock tune with powerful and raspy female vocals, exciting and distinctive rhythmic beat with dynamic guitars. Female Vocals, Rock, Pop Rock
This song is about happiness of living in the realm of nature, surrounded by it and interacting with it. The ocean is the most intimate and metaphysical part of nature. Living in harmony with the nature makes us happy, makes us feel its eternal tenderness. Female Vocals, Rock, Psychedelic Rock
This song is about the weaker sex, i. e. the women, who despite their weakness and delicacy rule over strong and brutal men. Female Vocals, Rock, Pop Rock
Abstract rock and roll with guitars, drums, female vocals, and a dynamic break beat rhythm. Rocking fun with both synthesized and real instruments. Message of the song is that we should constantly move forward in our life and not to miss our chances. Female Vocals, Rock, Electronic Rock
The song is about a man seeing his ex-girlfiend after a few years... and they just can't help to feel the obvious attraction. Leaving all the fear behind and enjoying their time together, even if there's no future ahead.. just living in the moment. Male Vocals, Latin, Latin Pop
Sexy club song about feeling hypnotized by music and partner. Partners express themselves through music and dance, Female Vocals, Rock, Electronic Rock
A song about moving forward.... doing something... ANYTHING different. Everyone feels the need to move... for whatever reason. Most of the time something good comes from the change. Male Rap & Vocals, Reggae, Dancehall
The song is about a girl, trying to convince a man to show his feelings, which he is not admitting to, but she knows how he feels really. And she is saying he'll regret it, if he's not true to himself. Female Vocals, RnB, RnB Ballads