Action Thriller Electro-Orchestral, royalty-free stock music, royalty-free songs, royalty-free production music
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Action Thriller | Electro-Orchestral

This is a sophisticated fusion of Electronic and Orchestral music for action thriller sequences where suspense, tension and excitement are foremost. Think crime, mystery, psychological, CSI, law and disorder. Common activities include bank heists, kidnappings, revenge, obsession, and detective investigations. For Thriller Electro-Orchestral music, contemporary, high-tech, luxurious, and up-scale scenes are most well-suited because of the sophisticated blending of electronic and orchestral instrumentation and contemporary digital production techniques involved and required. The music reflects mature production skills and abilities because of the rich combination of instruments required.

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SIEGE - (by Pawel Orlow (LP))  Year: 2024
Pawel Orlow (LP) A grand, epic and heroic type track of grandeur and fiery determination. This track takes its time to build up; it starts in a foreboding and ominous way, goes through various passages and changes, before building up to an overwhelming force and epicness towards the end. Trailer track / Epic music /, Instrumental, Dramatic, Hollywood Orchestral Epic
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11 Mixes Available
1270502 2:38 Medium 124   

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Action Thriller Electro-Orchestral

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Action Thriller Electro-Orchestral