Spin the bottle really fast in an alley or concrete floored basement. Also an interesting sound, ripe to be manipulated into something really weird. Impact, Glass breaking
Glass bottles set on concrete surface. Like the milkman putting down a bottle, or a bottle falling over or kicked in an alley. Glass does not break. Impact, Glass breaking
The sound of electric light bulbs exploding followed by the sweeping up of the fragments. Material sound effects. Breaking glass sfx. Impact, Glass breaking
Sweeping up glass on a concrete floor with a broom. Light pieces of glass like broken panes or lightbulbs. Long cue, lots of choices. Impact, Glass breaking
Sweeping up glass on a concrete floor with a broom. Person sweeps up big pieces or broken ceramic. Lots of sweep speeds and sound to choose from. Impact, Glass breaking
Four different takes of a lightbulb breaking on the floor. On one take it bounces twice before shattering. Glass break sound has characteristic 'pop' of ozone escaping. Impact, Glass breaking
Glass breaks on concrete floor. The first is a heavy piece with a forceful impact, it almost makes a crunching sound. The second is something light--like a delicate wineglass. The third is more like a pane of glass. Three different choices, great if you aren't sure what you want yet. Impact, Glass breaking