Lindsay Popple
Each summer, Lindsay Popple travels to isolated parts of the Australian outback to capture the sounds of its insects and birds. He specializes in obtaining recordings of unique and previously unknown species of cicadas and making these sounds available to the modern world in the form of sound effects and ring tones. Having previously studied guitar through Trinity College (London), Lindsay is also an accomplished classical guitarist and composer. He weaves his own unique style through a platform of improvisation.
Track Title Genre BPM Duration License
Golden Emperor Cicada Insects 101 BPM 1:23
Fiji Whistler Bird 30 Sec Birds 0 BPM 0:30
Drysdale Rattler Cicada (30 Sec) Insects 0 BPM 0:31
Darwin Whiner Cicada Insects 106 BPM 2:41
Crop Duster Cicada Insects 0 BPM 0:39
Tiger Cherrynose Cicada (60 Sec) Insects 0 BPM 1:01
Wallum Sedge-Clicker Cicada 30 Sec Insects 0 BPM 0:31
Granite Squeaker Cicada (60 Sec) Insects 0 BPM 1:00
Chanting Bladder Cicada Insects 0 BPM 0:34
Smoky Sage Cicada (60 Sec) Insects 0 BPM 1:02
Southern Mountain Squeaker Cicada Insects 0 BPM 1:00
West Plains Eremophila Cicada Insects 0 BPM 0:55
Kettledrum Cicada 60 Sec Insects 0 BPM 1:01
Yellowbelly (Purring) Cicada Insects 0 BPM 0:36
Green Baron and Red Roarer Cicada Chorus Insects 126 BPM 1:59
Smoky Buzzer Cicada Chorus Insects 89 BPM 2:08
Murray Acacia Cicada Insects 0 BPM 0:35
Cherrynose Cicada Insects 135 BPM 1:47
Thin-Striped Wattle Cicada Insects 0 BPM 1:52
Fishing Reel Buzzer Cicada (60 Sec) Insects 0 BPM 1:01
Eastern Ticker Ultrasonic Cicada Insects 0 BPM 0:49
Exuberance (Guitar Solo) Classical 160 BPM 2:11
March of the Tyrants Classical 108 BPM 4:06
Through Quartz Veins Dramatic 140 BPM 6:15
Treadmill Classical 146 BPM 3:19
Black Prince Cicada (60 Sec) Insects 0 BPM 1:01
Razor Grinder Cicada Insects 114 BPM 1:45
Razor Grinder Cicada (30 Sec) Insects 0 BPM 0:31
Razor Grinder Cicada (60 Sec) Insects 0 BPM 1:01
Northern Double Drummer Cicada Insects 0 BPM 1:01