Woman Screaming by Ultimate Sound

Ultimate Sound
By: Ultimate Sound
Catalog ID: 59066   Edit Type: Full Track   Duration: 0:04

Genre: Human sound effects (crying, laughing, coughing, body sounds, etc.) | Pain sounds

Social Media Link: https://www.audiosparx.com/sa/archive/Humans/Pain-sounds/Woman-Screaming/59066
Female holding her leg, screaming in pain, "Ou, Oh, my leeeg!"   Keywords: Hurt, Sports, Torture, Pain, Distress Torture Dungeon Girl Hurting Girl Screams Screaming Girl Screeming Broken Leg

Price: USD $3.35
Flat-fee price for use in all media, in perpetuity, throughout the world and Universe
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Woman Screaming

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Woman Screaming