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Andrew GCN Fleming HORROR SOUND EFFECT. Perfect for Film, TV, Videogames, Web, Mobile Apps, etc. (Note: this sound effect is also available as part of a SOUNDPACK: HORROR, VOLUME 2, which contains a total of 10 terrifying sound effects). Horror & Halloween, Nightmares
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Full Track - Horror & Halloween, Nightmares
413901 0:02   

Track Summary
Sound Effect Title: British Woman Short Scream
Catalog ID: 413901  ISRC: US5UL1026650
Description: HORROR SOUND EFFECT. Perfect for Film, TV, Videogames, Web, Mobile Apps, etc. (Note: this sound effect is also available as part of a SOUNDPACK: HORROR, VOLUME 2, which contains a total of 10 terrifying sound effects).

Social Media Link: https://www.audiosparx.com/sa/archive/Horror-Halloween/Nightmares/British-Woman-Short-Scream/413901

Artist or Group: Andrew GCN Fleming
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British Woman Short Scream

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British Woman Short Scream