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Cedric Hommel A small iron chain. Jingling, jangling, clings and clangs. Foley, Rattle
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Edit Type: Full Track - Foley, Rattle
596736 0:03   

Track Summary
Sound Effect Title: Chain Clings, Jangle, Clangs
Catalog ID: 596736  ISRC: US5UL1324736
Description: A small iron chain. Jingling, jangling, clings and clangs.

Social Media Link: https://www.audiosparx.com/sa/archive/Foley/Rattle/Chain-Clings-Jangle-Clangs/596736

Artist or Group: Cedric Hommel
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Chain Clings, Jangle, Clangs

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Chain Clings, Jangle, Clangs