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BABY BUNNY DANCE - (by Richard Freitas)  Year: 2011
Richard Freitas A sweet, animated lullaby with solo celeste. Beautiful melody with a moving arpeggiated figure. Wide eyed infants crawling in the nursery or the crib. Soft, delicate, melodic & dreamy. Children's bedtime or napping music, infant commercials, sleeping babies. Instrumental, Childrens, Lullabies, Richard Freitas
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Edit Type: Full Track - Childrens, Lullabies
473385 1:28 Medium 107   

Track Summary
Music Track Title: Baby Bunny Dance
Catalog ID: 473385  ISRC: US5UL1125339
Description: A sweet, animated lullaby with solo celeste. Beautiful melody with a moving arpeggiated figure. Wide eyed infants crawling in the nursery or the crib. Soft, delicate, melodic & dreamy. Children's bedtime or napping music, infant commercials, sleeping babies.

Social Media Link: https://www.audiosparx.com/sa/archive/Childrens/Lullabies/Baby-Bunny-Dance/473385

Artist or Group: Richard Freitas
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Baby Bunny Dance

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Baby Bunny Dance