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INDIGO DRAGONFLY - (by Solace)  Year: 2005
Solace A delicate introduction evokes images of a quiet Japanese village, then erupts into a deep hip hop bass reminiscent of gangsters and mobsters coming on to the scene to take over this quaint peaceful village. Instrumental, Japanese, Hip Hop
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Full Track - Japanese, Hip Hop
754738 4:50 Med Slow 100   
Edit Type: Variation A (Indigo Dragonfly Edit 90 Sec) - Japanese, Hip Hop
764881 1:28 Med Slow 100   
Edit Type: Variation B (Indigo Dragonfly Edit 30 Sec) - Japanese, Hip Hop
764883 0:37 Med Slow 100   
Edit Type: 60sec (Indigo Dragonfly Edit 60 Sec) - Japanese, Hip Hop
764880 1:00 Med Slow 100   
Edit Type: 30sec (Indigo Dragonfly Edit 30 Sec) - Japanese, Hip Hop
764882 0:30 Med Slow 100   

Track Summary
Music Track Title: Indigo Dragonfly
Catalog ID: 754738  ISRC: USHM90530160
Description: A delicate introduction evokes images of a quiet Japanese village, then erupts into a deep hip hop bass reminiscent of gangsters and mobsters coming on to the scene to take over this quaint peaceful village.

Social Media Link: https://www.audiosparx.com/sa/archive/Japanese/Japanese-Hip-Hop/Indigo-Dragonfly/754738

Artist or Group: Solace
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Indigo Dragonfly

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Indigo Dragonfly