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CYBERWORLD - (by Mayur Dongre)  Year: 2022
Mayur Dongre This is drive, heavy electronic music in cyberpunk electro style, with lots of energy Synthwave music. With distortion synths and massive driving bass will also work with a wide variety of projects needing that extra dose of cyberpunk epic. Instrumental, Indie Rock, Grindcore
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Full Track - Indie Rock, Grindcore
1153850 3:08 Medium 105   
Edit Type: 60sec - Indie Rock, Grindcore
1153848 1:00 Medium 105   
Edit Type: 30sec - Indie Rock, Grindcore
1153847 0:30 Medium 105   
Edit Type: 15sec - Indie Rock, Grindcore
1153846 0:15 Medium 105   
Edit Type: Loop - Indie Rock, Grindcore
1153849 2:27 Medium 105   

Track Summary
Music Track Title: Cyberworld
Catalog ID: 1153850  ISRC: US5UL2253472
Description: This is drive, heavy electronic music in cyberpunk electro style, with lots of energy Synthwave music. With distortion synths and massive driving bass will also work with a wide variety of projects needing that extra dose of cyberpunk epic.

Social Media Link: https://www.audiosparx.com/sa/archive/Indie-Rock/Grindcore/Cyberworld/1153850

Artist or Group: Mayur Dongre
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