Characteristic turkey gobble gobble sound. Symbol of the Thanksgiving Holiday, and holiday feast. Perfect for film, video, ads, net, internet, audio books, radio imaging, funny ringtones and more. Clear digital recording processed and mastered with high-end software for best quality. Holiday,
New Year's eve celebrations in northern Italy. A sequence of fireworks explosions, firecrackers and rockets whistles flying by. Full busy sequence to suit any pyrotechnic extravaganza as may suit parties, weddings and any sort of anniversary. Loud normalised recording with close and far bangs. Weapons, Explosions
Characteristic turkey gobble gobble sound. Symbol of the Thanksgiving Holiday, and holiday feast. Perfect for film, video, ads, net, internet, audio books, radio imaging, funny ringtones and more. Clear digital recording processed and mastered with high-end software for best quality. Holiday,
Characteristic turkey gobble gobble sound. Symbol of the Thanksgiving Holiday, and holiday feast. Perfect for film, video, ads, net, internet, audio books, radio imaging, funny ringtones and more. Clear digital recording processed and mastered with high-end software for best quality. Holiday,
Characteristic turkey gobble gobble sound. Symbol of the Thanksgiving Holiday, and holiday feast. Perfect for film, video, ads, net, internet, audio books, radio imaging, funny ringtones and more. Clear digital recording processed and mastered with high-end software for best quality. Holiday,
Westminster Abbey style church organ plays the traditional hymn and service musical finale, in long form, where the congregation sings "Amen" three times. Grand. Resonant. Holiday,