metallic aggressive pulsing beat with many electronic sweeps that bring this to very finish.could be useful for tension medical adverts,industrial and very scifi-excellent ring tone but a little on the strange side,not for the timid! Keyboard,
metallic aggressive pulsing beat with many electronic sweeps that bring this to very finish.could be useful for tension medical adverts,industrial and very scifi-excellent ring tone but a little on the strange side,not for the timid! Keyboard,
Simple electro repeat chords nice cool bass with funky snare. Especially good as a ringtone or ' phone on hold ' music. Catchy and cheerful Repetitive and fun but not irritating to listen to when waiting for the connection. Makes you smile and jog along. Children running. playing in the park, Keyboard,
Simple electro repeat chords nice cool bass with funky snare. Especially good as a ringtone or ' phone on hold ' music. Catchy and cheerful Repetitive and fun but not irritating to listen to when waiting for the connection. Makes you smile and jog along. Children running. playing in the park, Keyboard,
Very Happy -the sun is shining everyone loves me. Perfect day for anything. Nothing seems to be going wrong anymore, all is lovely and love is in the air. Work is good too, no one is fighting or bitching. The family is loving and full of hope. My brand new car is beautiful. Wow! it's great today, Instrumental, Dramatic, Happy Music
A useful transition suitable for television and radio, for advertising or a logo. Particularly useful for an ending of some sort. Starts with strong yet smooth synth sound and slowly evolves into softer sound with a fade out. Keyboard,
Fast paced synth loop slowly evolving with a higher pitched riff playing on top. The synthesizer line appears to be shouting TECHNO. The higher notes sound like little droplets of water falling at a fast rate in a bucket or a swarm of bees. Defined end but it is also easily loopable as a refrain. Keyboard,
A visit from an Alien race track: Otherworldly Chilling Invasive Controlling Commanding Suspense Transcending California invasion elevation Ape war extraterrestrial UFO sci-fi lucas star wars moon flying ship triangle three fingers gray man touch beyond plate encounter surreal delay tape hi, Keyboard,