31 seconds of agonizing, painful screaming -- torture chamber ambience with marvelous echoes and reverb. Great for your scary Freddy Kruger, Stephen King horror productions. Horror & Halloween,
A very dark ambient track filled with the screams of children pleading for help. Dark ominous background sounds and slams. Great for horror film or Halloween. Horror & Halloween,
Ghosts moaning and groaning, milling around rattling their chains with flies buzzing in the background. Great for horror flicks. Caged men or torture chamber ambience with echoes and sorrow. Horror & Halloween,
A small group of men and women screaming and yelling. A very Scooby-Doo sound. Also very appropriate to a group going over the top on a roller coaster. Horror & Halloween,
A set of heavy nautical metal chains are picked up, rattled and dropped on a stone floor. Weighty low thuds but with bright clinking sound as the rings of the chain hit each-other, Foley, Rattle
Scary Heavy Metal Door clangs shut, caging in the prisoners. Prison sounds, torture chamber, horror flick. Foreboding, frightening, ominous. Horror & Halloween,
HORROR SOUND EFFECT. Perfect for Film, TV, Videogames, Web, Mobile Apps, etc. (Note: this sound effect is also available as part of a SOUNDPACK: HORROR, VOLUME 2, which contains a total of 10 terrifying sound effects). Horror & Halloween,
17 seconds of a body dump, big man tosses body down chute. Dead body tumbles down crashing, banging on the metal walls, as it tumbles down the long chute. Horror & Halloween,
A SPECTACULAR FANTASY / HORROR SOUND EFFECT ... give your website, online videos, multimedia productions and videogames some extra bite! Horror & Halloween,
SOUND EFFECT (high-quality WAV file format) - superb production element that is perfect for for radio, broadcast, multimedia, web design, computer game developers, and much more! Horror & Halloween,
SOUND EFFECT (high-quality WAV file format) - superb production element that is perfect for for radio, broadcast, multimedia, web design, computer game developers, and much more! Horror & Halloween,
A very disturbing yet affective sound. Can be used as a crank or gear sound for a evil torture device. Could also work well as part of a drawbridge sound. The possibilities are endless! Horror & Halloween,