A longer version of the sound of water in an underground cave (aptly named Mystery Creek Cave). Listen out for the unique reverberation, gurgling and the sound moving from the right channel channel to the left. Very good stereo effect. Water, Water Various
Water into a slop sink, the deep sided plastic sinks used in industrial settings. Water runs, items are rinsed, faucet is turned off and water gurgles down the drain. Water, Water Various
Sound effect of Water Running Through, And Dripping From, The Roof Of A Cave. This sound effect was recorded using state of the art valve mic pre amps, and high quality condensor microphones. Tweaked and optimized for use in film, television, radio and computer games. Water, Water Various
This is a recording of Drinking Fountain Turned Off And On. This sound effect was recorded in a custom built sound booth using state of the art valve mic pre amps, and high quality condensor microphones. Tweaked and optimized for use in film, television, radio and computer games. Water, Water Various