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FLOYD'S BLUES - (by Richard Freitas)  Year: 2010
Richard Freitas A slow country piano blues in the style of Floyd Cramer with his classic 1950s piano licks. Piano is supported by rhythm section and strings. Slow and catchy. Bluesy, country, piano, Floyd Cramer, slow, sexy, bar scenes, club scenes, jukebox, flirtatious, dating music, baby boomer ad campaigns, Instrumental, Country, Classic Country, Richard Freitas
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Full Track - Country, Classic Country
403204 2:11 Med Slow 95   
Edit Type: Variation (Bed - no melody) - Dramatic, Romantic Music
422212 2:11 Med Slow 95   

Track Summary
Music Track Title: Floyd's Blues
Catalog ID: 403204  ISRC: US5UL1025016
Description: A slow country piano blues in the style of Floyd Cramer with his classic 1950s piano licks. Piano is supported by rhythm section and strings. Slow and catchy. Bluesy, country, piano, Floyd Cramer, slow, sexy, bar scenes, club scenes, jukebox, flirtatious, dating music, baby boomer ad campaigns

Social Media Link: https://www.audiosparx.com/sa/archive/Country/Classic-Country/Floyds-Blues/403204

Artist or Group: Richard Freitas
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Floyd's Blues

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Floyd's Blues