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WEEPING TREE - (by Solace)  Year: 2007
Solace Sarangi with a classical alluring bhangra-ish tabla pattern & underlying unifying drone with a lush texture. Creates an exotic, dreamy mood that could be interpreted as either longing and weeping or romantic and ethereal. Uses: fantasy, nature, romance, closing credits, video games, Instrumental, Indian, Indian Dramatic
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Edit Type: Full Track - Indian, Indian Dramatic
750644 4:44 Med Slow 102   
Edit Type: Variation A (90 Seconds) - Indian, Indian Dramatic
773197 1:20 Med Slow 102   
Edit Type: Variation B (120 Seconds) - Indian, Indian Dramatic
773199 1:30 Med Slow 102   
Edit Type: 60sec - Indian, Indian Dramatic
773194 1:00 Med Slow 102   
Edit Type: 30sec - Indian, Indian Dramatic
773182 0:27 Med Slow 102   

Track Summary
Music Track Title: Weeping Tree
Catalog ID: 750644  ISRC: USCGH0917239
Description: Sarangi with a classical alluring bhangra-ish tabla pattern & underlying unifying drone with a lush texture. Creates an exotic, dreamy mood that could be interpreted as either longing and weeping or romantic and ethereal. Uses: fantasy, nature, romance, closing credits, video games

Social Media Link: https://www.audiosparx.com/sa/archive/Indian/Indian-Dramatic-Music/Weeping-Tree/750644

Artist or Group: Solace
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Weeping Tree