A person switches the tap on in the kitchen. Water gushes into a small aluminium sink. The flow stops and the liquid drains down the syphon with a few remaining drips falling on the metal from the faucet. Present close prospective. Water, Pours
The home "Mr. Coffee" machine has done his morning duty -- sputtering, sloshing -- and now it is time to pour a fresh, steaming cup of fortitude. Aah, smell the aroma of freshly brewed coffee made from coarse ground coffee beans. No adult breakfast is complete without a hot, steaming cup of joe. Kitchen, Pouring
What happened to the funnel? Wow. I have to unscrew the cap from my red gasoline can and pour this fuel into my old lawn mower. Splish, splash, the grass is takin' a bath in spilled gasoline and the fumes stink. Please call in a professional landscape crew or yard maintenance worker! Ahh, summertime, Kitchen, Pouring