These 3 parts where recorded in my living room using a sony pro 2 and a shure vp88. Adjust the volume by using the crickets as a refernce level. Its fun to listen to the tv stuff. Thanks for listening, Tom s, Ambience,
This sound effect is a stereo recording quiet roomtone, recorded from the inside of a very quiet house. There is the sound of a plane flying overhead approx. Halfway through the clip.
This file is 60" in duration, the plane is audible from 40" onwards. Ambience,
This sound effect is a stereo recording of a church bell chiming, recorded from the inside of a very quiet house.
This file is 11" in duration. Ambience,
These 3 parts where recorded in my living room using a sony pro 2 and a shure vp88. Adjust the volume by using the crickets as a refernce level. Its fun to listen to the tv stuff.
Thanks for listening,
Tom s, Ambience,
These 3 parts where recorded in my living room using a sony pro 2 and a shure vp88. Adjust the volume by using the crickets as a refernce level. Its fun to listen to the tv stuff. Thanks for listening, Tom s, Ambience,
This is a vintage sound of a black and white camera projector. Anyone interested in old films will know the sound. As a boy we sat and watched these during air raids and I have wonderful memories of Laurel and Hardy Buster Keaton and the sound of the projector whirring away forgetting the bombs. Ambience,
Close prospective of the ambient sound of a refrigerator's heat pump running. Kitchen, household, bar or restaurant foley ambiance. Loud present sound. The SFX is a perfect loop so can be used for a longer scene. Kitchen, Appliances
A person replaces the tableware in their drawer with metal rattling and tinkling. Dinner is finished... Close prospective high level recording, medium size kitchen ambiance. Home, kitchen, restaurant or cafe foley SFX. Clearing up after the washing up. Kitchen,
English country garden ambiance, recorded early evening in summertime. Birds chirp and cheep close by. Pigeons cue in distance. Trees rustle in distance. Ambience,
Bathroom ambience. Recorded in the bathroom of a town house. General ambience and room tone. There are planes flying past in the distance. Birds are chattering and cheeping outside. Ambience,